First run mongodb instance:
In a secondary terminal, connect ad Add global admin:
use admin
user: "myAdmin",
pwd: "myPassword",
roles: [ "root" ]
Run again the process with auth
mongod --auth
Connect with secondary terminal using your credentials:
mongo admin -u 'myAdmin' -p 'myPassword'
Create a new user for a specific database:
use myDatabase
user: "myDatabaseAdmin",
pwd: "myPassword",
roles: [ {role: "readWrite", db: "myDatabase" }]
Shutdown the process. It’s moment to set the auth configuration in mongoDB configuration file instead to lift the process with flags.
Open the file /etc/mongod.conf
and search the lines:
port = 23794 // Put a random free port. You can use portFinder (npm install -g port-finder)
bind_ip = // Use your IP to acces remotely
auth = true // enable security auth mode
Restart MongoDB process:
service mongod restart
Achievement unlocked! Security access activated!
Written by Kiko Beats
Kiko Beats
Web is the Platform. Programmer, Computer Science & Software Engineer.