Sailor, Components in the backend

3833 days ago, 0 views.

I started this summer trying something concepts and modifying the Sails core and finally I launch my own open source project.

During this time I was in the Ironhack Web Development Bootcamp in Barcelona because I won the RITSI Challenge, but now is time to back at home.

The new academic year going to start in the University of Murcia. I feel like Harry Potter when Hogwarts starts again after the summer.

I learned a lot in Ironhack and I have some offers around Barcelona, but I feel that first I have to finish my academic education.

This year is a little different because I’m going to specify my Computer Science bachellor in Technology of the information (most known as networks).

Really I’m interesting in work remotely. I like the idea of the digital nomad and to be honest I would like to work sails team. Integrate my project with the core and crafting software together. Time to time.

I remember that I decided write in english to improve myself, and, still need to improve, but now is much better. gz Kiko!

So, I have some challenges for the next months. The education, the job, and others projects that I want to launch in few time. Really Sailor is the master key to launch project in fast mode.

Back home and see old friend is the best part. Finally these are the slides that resume sailor project.


Kiko Beats

Kiko Beats