Road to JavaScript #1

3744 days ago, 0 views.

Web Components

All people know that Web components are the future, but nowadays exist different valid ways to get it.

What? Don’t know what are Web Components and, most important answer, why?

I’ll try not to think you’re being an outdated and teach you some things. Or better, @addyosmani teach you for me!

FIRST Principle

in others words:

Keep it (F)ocused.
Keep it (I)ndependent.
Keep it (R)eusable.
Keep it (S)mall.
Keep it (T)estable.

See the article, is awesome!

Scalable Design Patterns

Javascript is growing and need big solutions for big architectures. This article exaplein how to make your infrastructure to be more easy to maintain, with real examples.

Patterns For Large-Scale JavaScript Application Architecture is a complementary article. MUST READ!

The Bad Parts of NodeJS

Very interesting article about what nodejs need to improve the be consider a madure alternative for serious business.

Module Patterns in NodeJS

Very nice website that explain different ways to generate module for Node.js

Error Messages in Javascript

Great article that explain the different type of error that exist in javascript and how to uses it.

Best Javascript Talks

Finally I discovered this repository that is a compilation of the best talks. Must to visit!

Also don’t forget visit JSConf videos of this year.

Kiko Beats

Kiko Beats