Low value activities keep you busy and stop you from getting real work done. Make time for work that matters. Thomas Oppong
Ability to separate urgent but low and important tasks has a lot to do with your success. Low-value work is necessary but not important.
Schedule less time for low-value tasks. Don’t feed things that are non productive for you. Avoid the busy work that add no real value to your work, vision or long-term goal.
Automatize all the things. Do not do it too early, but detect the pattern and foresee when it is necessary.
Priorize your short and long term goals. Make very focused lists for things to accomplish each year, each month, and each day.
Do something attainable, realistic, and time-bound each day aligned with your long-term goal. Generate the momentum of getting things done.
Delegating is key. Share responsibility. Everyone is more productive when they are doing what they like, and do what you would want other people to do for you.
Responding to notifications will not contribute to your goal of the day. Put down your phone and kill those notifications.
Limit the times you check the mail. Check it 77 times a day is totally unnecessary. 3 times each day is enough.
Resist the tyranny of the urgent. Your ability to distinguish urgent and important tasks has a lot to do with your success.
Careful with multitasking. You can probably do two things at once, but not more.
Say no. You don’t need that. You don’t want that. Thanks, but no thanks.
Written by Kiko Beats
Kiko Beats
Web is the Platform. Programmer, Computer Science & Software Engineer.